Is Google Evil?

From a distance google seems to rule the modern world.
Google is one of the premier search engines on the Internet today. The have connections to a word processor service, a calendar service, and even there own navigation platform. To many, Americans Google is a force within using web services online. Some computers are even preset with Google's web services embedded into their code . To many Google users it would seem as if Google does control most aspects of there daily life .
Even if it does not control aspects of there life it Can definitely influences them . Think about how many times you've clicked a link online and it took you to a google platform or service. While watching television an advertisement for the new google streaming service airs on the channel your watching. Google is seamlessly everywhere, which can cause some users to almost feel addicted to their products.
While there are a few people who dont partake in actively using Googles services and relying on search engines like Bing and Yahoo . Many of them dont purposely avoid google but have became so accustom to one specific service that they never feel the need to use it.
I dont believe that the Googlization of our life endangers our privacy because a lot of information is stored over google. In which it is protected through your account . While Google/Alphabet is not a perfect company all together their are a user friendly company in which markets online interfaces that make everyday life go by easier.
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